Instaxagram series by Kyle Steed.
“Think before you press the shutter. It’s frustrating that today, even more than in the time of analogue photography, you often come back with a lot junk. Nowadays, it’s too easy to get a picture-click-clack; the camera works for you, but you need to use your brain, look closely and react fast. Don’t go out and expect that things will be wonderful-photography is hard work.”
-Thomas Hoepker
For its design issue, T Magazine travels to Tangier to speak with several influential designers and their personally curated homes.
Great advertising by Frontline, seen at a mall in Jakarta.
“Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use, and the regular exercise of choosing kindness over cruelty would change us.”
Gangsta Grandparents: a hilarious, yet eye-opening photo series by Linda Dajana Kruger, aka Dai Lyn Power. Kruger had the genius idea of dressing up our elders in ‘gangsta’ outfits. Yes, these old folks look ridiculous, but the series can lend us perspective on how they view us and our ridiculous fashions.
Dai Lyn Power has some other amazing works. Check 'em out!
“Don’t do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts.”
I found this beautiful photo series Strangers by photographer Shane Connaughton. There’s something so quiet and serene about them, the way they’re grainy and ambiguous in subject. The series is shot in a photo journalistic way, but leans more towards conceptual and abstract; less focused on subject and more so on the comprehensiveness of daily life. That is exactly what makes it unique-it’s journalism and art at the same time, which is not an easy feat.
See more beautiful images at Connaughton’s Flickr.