Read more about “The City of Tomorrow”, known as Bo01 and located in Malmo, Sweden. The city was redeveloped in 2000, relies 100% on sustainable energy, increases biodiversity in flora and fauna, and reduced motorized transportation with promotion of walking and cycling.
art is the movement
Shield by He Nupa Wanica/Joseph No Two Horns
Currently on display as part of the MET’s Art of Native America exhibit, this type of shield would have been carried into battle; it’s vision-inspired imagery offered spiritual protection. Joseph No Two Horns was one of the most prolific Plains artists and his artwork helps to identify the tribal history of the Lakota. His work depicts specific events in his own life as well as the lives of other Lakota people. A warrior by the age of fourteen, No Two Horns participated in at least 40 battles during his life, including the Battle of Little Big Horn. No Two Horns also kept his tribe’s winter count, a collection of pictographs recording 137 years of Lakota history.
Article on Joseph No Two Horns, American Indian Art Magazine, 1993
Barbara Kruger, Untitled (Our People Are Better Than Your People), 1994
Banksy, Civilian Drone Strike, 2017.
New Banksy Piece unveiled as part of London’s Art the Arms Fair.
Audiovisual Tricycles
No Thanks I’m Good by Heather Landis.
No Thanks I’m Good by Heather Landis.
Monsters Have Problems Too
Disney Animals as Humans!
“An attempt to convey my relationship to landscape and artefact. A perpetual search for unfamiliar terrain. An ongoing personal project.”
An Uncommon Place, photo series by Reuben Wu.
“I started digital photography in 2005, which eventually changed my perception about the world. I have been tirelessly exploring the scenes of nature near and far, and trying to capture those magical moments and transform them into eternal art.”
An illustration for designers. cmy-K, illustration by T Wei.
Junk Food skate decks by T Wei.
Mirages of the Mind, project by Norwegian design company Oddds.