“An attempt to convey my relationship to landscape and artefact. A perpetual search for unfamiliar terrain. An ongoing personal project.”
An Uncommon Place, photo series by Reuben Wu.
“I waited for another plane to go by,” Mr. Roa said. “It was nighttime. Clear. Two or three planes went by and I snapped a couple of shots. And there it was. I had it.”
L.A. photographer Raul Roa lives under the flight path of the Los Angeles International Airport. He takes advantage of his location by shooting this stunning series of planes flying pass the full moon. Read more at the
Photographer Andy Lee captures the desolate roads of his travels in the series Roads Less Traveled. Check out some more of his beautifully lit photography here.
“Most people when considering dreams would think of good positive dreams, and I like to think that I captured that in my work. I also seem to visit the darker side of what people may see of dreams, not necessarily what one would see as negative, but possibly a dream that one could not quite understand or may feel alone.”
Ionut Caras on his photo series The World Before I Go To Sleep.
Tip The World Over On Its Side and Everything Loose Will Land In Los Angeles, Anthony Samaniego photography.
September Vogue covers: 1893 vs. 2014
Nike ads by James Wojcik.
Instaxagram series by Kyle Steed.
Photographers finding new ways present their work.
The Fade of Fallen Memories, Kristy Mitchell, 2014.
Read more about the huge set build at her site.
“Think before you press the shutter. It’s frustrating that today, even more than in the time of analogue photography, you often come back with a lot junk. Nowadays, it’s too easy to get a picture-click-clack; the camera works for you, but you need to use your brain, look closely and react fast. Don’t go out and expect that things will be wonderful-photography is hard work.”
-Thomas Hoepker