“If we can’t, as artists, improve on real life, we should put down our pencils and go bake bread.”
art quote
“I don’t think it was pain that made [Vincent Van Gogh] great - I think his painting brought him whatever happiness he had.”
“Think before you press the shutter. It’s frustrating that today, even more than in the time of analogue photography, you often come back with a lot junk. Nowadays, it’s too easy to get a picture-click-clack; the camera works for you, but you need to use your brain, look closely and react fast. Don’t go out and expect that things will be wonderful-photography is hard work.”
-Thomas Hoepker
Milton Glaser (creator of the I heart NY logo and founder of New York Magazine) takes on promo posters for Man Men.
“That was the only path I ever took; the idea that making things could become intrinsic to your life" -Glaser
“Creativity takes courage.”
“Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.”