If you’re familiar with the Instagram Bodega Cats of Instagram, then you should familiarize yourself with the illustrated version of it. Sunny Eckerle illustrates the bodega cats living in our beloved corner shops across Brooklyn. Check out her work here.
No Thanks I’m Good by Heather Landis.
No Thanks I’m Good by Heather Landis.
Live Free or Die by Jonathan Schubert.
Love these comics drawn by Poorly Drawn Lines.
Comics by Poorly Drawn Lines
Disney Animals as Humans!
Bakea by Juan Carlos Paz.
Bakea by Juan Carlos Paz
Let’s hope so! Type by Northern Projects.
Northern Projects
NYC Bagels by Hye In Jeon.
NYC Bagels by Hye In Jeon
The Elephant’s Notebook is a new children’s book written by Daniel Monedero. The book, complete with elephants wearing eye glasses and playing jazz, is illustrated by Rosana Mesa. See more books at The Guardian.
Jack Kerouac draw a map of the hitchhiking trip narrated On the Road
Mhm, yes. Doodle #2 by Son on.
Typography by one of my favorites Raul Alejandro. I always love to see the hand drawn process.
Bless our lucky stars! A never-before-seen Dr. Seuss book has been discovered 20 years after the author’s death. Complete with a manuscript and illustrations, What Pet Should I Get will be published via Random House Children’s Books on July 28th.
“Grégoire Guillemin, aka “Léon”, refuses to let his childhood passions fade quietly into the past. Science fiction, comic books, and video games still reign. From 1930’s vintage to modern day Pop Art, his artworks rediscover and reinvent styles through experimentation with variegated, minimalistic techniques.”
The Secret Life of Heroes by Grégoire Guillemin.