Mirages of the Mind, project by Norwegian design company Oddds.
Flora series by fashion photographer Nick Knight.
Another design book about Brooklyn you say? This one is cool because it show cases different interiors, from modern to luxury to vintage and grungy. The burrough has been swiftly changing over the last couple of years, and will continue to do so, so this book will bring you up to speed.
Submerged Motherlands by street artist Swoon, on view at the Brooklyn Museum.
For its design issue, T Magazine travels to Tangier to speak with several influential designers and their personally curated homes.
You Think Too Much, installation by Chicago artist, Jeffrey Michael Austin. This is part of his series A Language Older Than You, which has become a personal favorite in the installation medium.
Really cool soaps from Vice & Velvet.
Photographer Jimmy Nelson photographs global indigenous tribes before they vanish forever.
Lamp for Urban Movement, 2011, Olafur Eliasson.
From the installation series Your Emotional Future, 2011.
Pretty rad map.
Photographer Chuck Close uses an impressive 20 x 24 Polaroid camera to take various celebrity portraits for Vanity Fair’s Hollywood issue.
Gangsta Grandparents: a hilarious, yet eye-opening photo series by Linda Dajana Kruger, aka Dai Lyn Power. Kruger had the genius idea of dressing up our elders in ‘gangsta’ outfits. Yes, these old folks look ridiculous, but the series can lend us perspective on how they view us and our ridiculous fashions.
Dai Lyn Power has some other amazing works. Check 'em out!