

Please, God, Let 2014 Be The Year We Retire The Word Hipster.

“Hipsters have tattoos. Have you been to the beach lately? Apparently there are tons of overweight 45-year-old Puerto Rican hipsters named Angel who like to blast Pitbull from their boomboxes and have terrible photorealistic tattoos of their infants.

Hipsters love Instagramming everything. Yeah and so do my 14-year-old cousins and 150 million other users who think they’re amateur photographers because they can use a Valencia filter.

Hipsters like brunch. OK, who the fuck doesn’t like brunch? Brunch is delicious. Brunch includes eggs and pancakes and bacon and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand here and have bacon’s good name dragged down to this level.”


ICP Curator Discusses Selfies

“People need to figure out who they are and how they fit into our culture. Self-portraiture, frankly, is a great means of doing that.”
-Christopher Phillips, curator of ICP.

The quote from the Today article gives a new perspective to the selfie, one that I hadn’t thought of before. Selfies seem to be frowned upon but looking at them as self-portraiture-as a work of art and self expression-makes them something to be appreciated. Interesting. 

Read up at Today.

And while we’re on the topic, did you know that the term ‘selfie’ has officially been added to the dictionary? Among other words such as 'twerk’, 'srsly’, and 'geek chic’. 

Here’s a recently famous selfie, taken from a girl who was at a Beyonce concert!


First Listen: Death Cab For Cutie, 'Transatlanticism (10th Anniversary Edition)'

A great article covered by NPR. In lieu of the 10th anniversary album release, NPR is streaming Death Cab For Cutie’s ‘Transatlanticism’. For many, this album is the very definition of nostalgia; reminders of first loves and heartbreaks, first kisses and disses. The whole album is beautifully mastered, beautifully written, and beautifully reminiscent of younger days. 

A personal favorite on the album is the album song 'Transatlanticism’. Ben Gibbard, King Poet and lexicographer of metaphors, explains the distancing of two people as the separation of two islands. “I need you so much closer” is repetitively sung in a soft and almost infinite request as the song concludes. 

Another favorite is the album closer, 'A Lack of Color’. With verses like "If you feel discouraged that there’s a lack of color here, please don’t worry lover, it’s really bursting at the seams, absorbing everything, spectrums A to Z“, the guys at Death Cab for Cutie seem to understand the twists and turns between human and life.

Thank you NPR for a trip down memory lane. Thank you Death Cab for Cutie for this beautiful and life changing album.