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Installation piece, Into the Heart of Lightness, by Doug Wheeler seen at the David Zwirmer Gallery.
“We have first-hand experiences, and those are the ones we don’t forget. They stay with us and hopefully they’re meaningful enough that they’re with you the rest of your life. That’s pretty much what I’ve always been after. I’ve always tried to do that stuff that has an effect on you that you never forget the first time.”
Photographer Ed Wheeler superimposes photos of himself, dressed as Santa, into famous paintings. Hilarious and genius.
Stéphane Rolland, Couture, Spring 2014
Awesome packaging by Zing!, a branch of products from Premier Housewares.
Some clean and simple packaging.
Great advertising by Frontline, seen at a mall in Jakarta.
Please, God, Let 2014 Be The Year We Retire The Word Hipster.
“Hipsters have tattoos. Have you been to the beach lately? Apparently there are tons of overweight 45-year-old Puerto Rican hipsters named Angel who like to blast Pitbull from their boomboxes and have terrible photorealistic tattoos of their infants.
Hipsters love Instagramming everything. Yeah and so do my 14-year-old cousins and 150 million other users who think they’re amateur photographers because they can use a Valencia filter.
Hipsters like brunch. OK, who the fuck doesn’t like brunch? Brunch is delicious. Brunch includes eggs and pancakes and bacon and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand here and have bacon’s good name dragged down to this level.”
Taken from traveling photographer Josef Hoflehner’s California portfolio. I love his use of lines within negative space and his composition uniquely captures cities in an unseen light.
Check out more at Josef Hoflehner Photography.
Gloomy day in Brooklyn, listening to some classic rock. Here are some of my favorite album covers.
Iggy Pop gives a tour of the East Village circa 1993.
Just a handful of the most beautiful libraries from across the globe.
(Thanks Darragh for the inspiration post!)
1. Trinity College Library, Ireland
2. Raza Library, India
3. Handelingenkamer, Netherlands
4. Library of Parliament, Canada
5. Jay Walker’s Private Library, USA
6. The Tianyi Pavilion Library, China
I love The Black Keys. And I love graphic design. Put them together and here’s a few fantastic touring posters.