A Visual Compendium of Notable Haircuts in Music, seen at Pop Chart Lab. Can you guess without zooming in? +acitythatendures March 12, 2014
“I know squat diddly about typography myself”, says John Rabbit. He created this one page education on typography and it’s pretty great. +acitythatendures March 11, 2014
Hand painted sign by San Fran designer David Smith. This is part of his Love-Kill project, which includes more signs with quotes from Charles Bukowski. Check it out! +acitythatendures February 25, 2014
CGI piece done by digital artist Alan Warburton. It’s for a series called Spherical Memories. “It is a hermetically sealed fantasy, full of digitally created memories, counterfeit physics and controlled accidents. A place where reality fails because it’s too perfect, and where spectacular CGI setpieces are replaced with more introverted and complex fantasies - fantasies of the digital-artist-as-god, lost in uncanny valley.” +acitythatendures February 10, 2014