Anatomy and Roses, MizEnScen.
Cheerios, illustration by Mario Wagner.
Cheerios, illustration by Mario Wagner.
Anatomy and Roses, MizEnScen.
UK street artist INSA calls this a ‘Gif-iti’ and took 8 layers of paint to create. It’s currently located in Paris.
Typography by Karl Kwasny.
“I felt my soul enkindled within me by the Wild Fervor.”
Bristol street artist Jody Thomas is set to have an exhibit in New York City. You can check him out at the Affordable Art Fair on April 2th - April 6th.
Installation piece, Into the Heart of Lightness, by Doug Wheeler seen at the David Zwirmer Gallery.
“We have first-hand experiences, and those are the ones we don’t forget. They stay with us and hopefully they’re meaningful enough that they’re with you the rest of your life. That’s pretty much what I’ve always been after. I’ve always tried to do that stuff that has an effect on you that you never forget the first time.”
Brooklyn-based arist Hiromi Niizeki travels throughout the five boroughs, photographing heart shaped gum remnants.
Check out the HiromiGumHearts Project here.