

Gangsta Grandparents: a hilarious, yet eye-opening photo series by Linda Dajana Kruger, aka Dai Lyn Power. Kruger had the genius idea of dressing up our elders in ‘gangsta’ outfits. Yes, these old folks look ridiculous, but the series can lend us perspective on how they view us and our ridiculous fashions.

Dai Lyn Power has some other amazing works. Check 'em out!


ICP Curator Discusses Selfies

“People need to figure out who they are and how they fit into our culture. Self-portraiture, frankly, is a great means of doing that.”
-Christopher Phillips, curator of ICP.

The quote from the Today article gives a new perspective to the selfie, one that I hadn’t thought of before. Selfies seem to be frowned upon but looking at them as self-portraiture-as a work of art and self expression-makes them something to be appreciated. Interesting. 

Read up at Today.

And while we’re on the topic, did you know that the term ‘selfie’ has officially been added to the dictionary? Among other words such as 'twerk’, 'srsly’, and 'geek chic’. 

Here’s a recently famous selfie, taken from a girl who was at a Beyonce concert!
