

When do you need a permit to film or photograph in New York City?

According to the City’s media & entertainment page, a permit is needed when:

·    Your production has equipment (equipment means cables and anything else not being held by the filmmaker or photographer at all times during production).

·    You need parking privileges.

·   You need exclusive use of City property.

·    Your production uses prop weapons, prop vehicles, actors in police uniforms or stunts on set

Productions with permits are provided free police assistance, free parking privileges and access to most exterior locations free of charge. If you require a permit, you will need to pay the $300 application fee as well as securing liability insurance. (For student filmmakers, coverage can be met through your school’s insurance program.)

When are permits not needed?

·    You are a causal photographer, tourist or credentialed member of the media.

·    Your production uses a hand-held camera, camera on tripod, hand-held props and/or hand-held equipment.

· You do not need: a) use of City property b) prop weapons or vehicles c) actors in police uniform or d) parking privileges.

Standing on a sidewalk, walkway of a bridge or within a park while using a hand-held camera and not asserting exclusive use of City property does not require a permit. If you do not require a permit, you can still get an optional permit (application fee does not apply).

All of the above information can be found on the City’s media & entertainment website, as well as the official rules.

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