Just found this

A letter written to me by an exboyfriend, here’s an excerpt:

“I wish I simply asked for distance. I realize now that it wasn’t you I wanted to get away from…it was what I’ve been to you that I wanted to forget I ever was. I didn’t want to be the antagonist and I realize I have been. 

Don’t give me any more trust than I deserve, which for all we’ve been through totals a whopping zero, but I just…I don’t know. Don’t allow me back in your life if that’s what you need.”

Some background information. Over the years, Wwe’ve been through a helluva lot. We’ve gone from love to hate to enemies to strangers to friends. He’s moved away and we rarely talk, but when we do we have such a strong connection. He’s part of the foundation of who I am today, in both good and bad ways. I’m thankful for everything we’ve gone through. It was a test for myself, a challenge, an example, a lesson. I’m glad I let him back into my life because it taught me a lot about the dynamic of relationships both romantic and platonic.

No matter what, always forgive. Always say you’re sorry, always end on a good note. Life is rich, too much of a good thing, and too short to let bitterness take you over.